Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Doctors, Doctors, and more Doctors...

So apparently, along with my ObGyn that I'm seeing for the pregnancy, now I have a Surgeon, an Oncologist, and a Radiologist...that just seems a little bit crazy, intimidating, overwhelming...we met with the Ob today to let him know what will be going on the next few months and my husband asked him what he thinks of the doctors I'll be seeing. What was just so sweet to hear was that he said he would send his own wife to these doctors, rather than up to Duke or whatever other choices there might be...and he said a couple years ago he'd had a patient who was also diagnosed with breast cancer while she was pregnant, and that she and the baby are doing well... he's going to put her in touch with me...I think it will be so nice to see a real flesh and blood person who's survived this thing, people do all the time...survive!!

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