Wednesday, October 29, 2008

finding the way...

i've started working on this blog out of a deep need to share what the Lord has done through all can He bring meaning to difficulties if we aren't diligent about sharing that its all about Him? what a waste! i was singing at church on Sunday and realized that even though for over 2 years now i've been more grateful for life and all the beautiful gifts of just getting to live and be with my family and experience so many things...i'm brought to tears all the time with the realization that here is yet another "stolen" moment...not so much in the sense of something wanted me dead and I HAVE TRIUMPHED because i believe that nothing could remove me from the Father's hand or His timing in my life...but we all let the enemy steal our joy, we slip into despair about things we cannot control...and the Lord has protected me! and i STRUGGLE sometimes(perhaps relating to hormones) with feeling overwhelmed by life, that i can't do it, that i can't be even a mediocre mother to my beautiful children, that i'm not making a difference in this world...even though there's not anything i can put my finger on to make me feel that way... but God is SO GOOD and His joy IS my strength so that i eventually am carried out of that despair and the light shines again and i can SEE so many blessings to be grateful for...He has been SO GOOD.  i just have to figure out ways to share that, maybe this is one way...
so what i am even more grateful for than His saving my that He saved me...He is saving me each day, i am SO grateful for grace and peace, for the renewing of my mind, for His redeeming the "un-redeemable" in my life again and again, that He is truly SUFFICIENT in all my weakness (too many to list), He is what holds me together, He is the color in life, He is the source of all comfort....

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