Wednesday, September 6, 2006

The Haircut...just a trim :)

My hair started to fall out, I didn't know if it would...some people who take the same chemo I am don't lose their hair....It was pretty clear by how much I was shedding(and I DON'T shed while I'm pregnant usually) that it was coming.  When I mentioned the possibility a few weeks ago Hannah had asked why her hair didn't fall out when I gave her medicine, and I explained that this was stronger medicine to kill some bad stuff in Mama, and that we would try not to worry about it until we found out if Mama's hair actually would fall out.  So when the shedding began, I looked up the website for Locks of Love, always had thought it sounded so great to give such a gift to a little child but never had the guts to face a few years of SHORT curly hair(afro time!) and in looking through the before and after pictures of the young recipients, this panicky sad moment shifted into gratitude at being able to be a part of giving something meaningful to a sweet little person facing such a daughter thought so too!
So after the girls were in bed, my sweet husband shaved 4 ponytails of 17 inch long hair off my head...what a STRANGE feeling to have that tiny bald head on my shoulders! And the next morning I tried to call out a warning/reminder to my oldest daughter but the second she saw me she was hysterical and running  to her Daddy(so DIFFICULT to not be able to comfort your own child in a moment like that), the younger one, however, laughed when she saw me and said my head was funny and fuzzy, "Why did Daddy do that to your hair?!" When this picture was taken, Hannah still could not look at me with my head bare but within a few hours she said she was used to it and thought it was so neat for the little girl who would be able to have my hair instead of being bald...the Lord can literally turn ANYTHING around!! Without Him I might have cried for weeks about this but I just feel so grateful...He must be laughing a little bit because in moments of extreme frustration about my naturally curly hair, I have threatened to shave my head bald...look at me now!

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