What a JOY to celebrate Christmas with this sweet little fella...thinking back to 2 years ago when he was sooo tiny and we celebrated my very FAVORITE Christmas ever! I kept thinking about Mary as she got closer to the time when she gave birth to our Lord. Even though she may not have had any idea that she would have to watch Him die, she must have known there would be things about her son's life that she would need to trust the Father about, even as she had trusted Him with the circumstances of Jesus' conception... There are so many examples of faithful men and women who have trusted the Lord with their children in all kinds of different circumstances...I have been so awed by the things the Lord has done for us and so many others, it inspires me each day when I am tempted to worry with that CRAZY-mother-worry drive that kicked in at some point during my first pregnancy :) Instead of letting it consume me I can turn to the Good Father Who has proved Himself so many times before and choose to trust...just in a different way than I did when he was so small. Now he's a little leprechaun who climbs and leaps everywhere constantly, falling, throwing, bumping into things...very active little man.
I am a survivor too. I live in Maryland and trying to sell my house so I can move to NC with my daughter. She, Christi, sent me your site. What a wonderful, sharing sight it is. I thank you for sharing with us all.
I had no idea what you have been through and overcome with the Lord's help. Wow. What a testimony He has given you. Thank you for taking every blessing He pours out and turning it back to praise.
I have appreciated your encouraging comments on my blog as we have walked this trial that God is allowing in our lives right now.
He is our Mountain Mover and no matter what He allows to happen, we will give Him our praise.
Great job with this! So proud of your courage and transparency....
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