My brother and his wife with the kids...my friend's mom just found out her breast cancer is back...I have a hard time imagining how that must feel...after going through so much and finally putting it behind you...and then to KNOW what the treatment is like and what you're in for...but at the same time, there is always the Plan, His Plan, of which we only get a small glimpse of a tiny part and from our limited perspective...some day we will get to see the whole picture but we do know the One Who sees all and knows all and is GOOD, absolutely, all the time...and I believe that's enough. There's plenty of things I've walked through that if I would have known more of what was to come, I would've run away fast :) and plenty more times that if someone had told me the precious gifts that were hidden in this dark valley, and that I could only grasp them by walking through it...I can't say I would've skipped joyfully ahead, but I might have felt more inspired to go on. My cousin's husband is facing a valley right now...they have a BEAUTIFUL family and my heart breaks for them but I am HOLDing on to the absolute certainty that they WILL NOT be short changed in any way...there is purpose and grace in all of it and He promised not to leave us alone, I know He does not. Ever.