My sweet friends threw us a baby shower...they were so was so much fun!! There was even a little pickup truck cake :) Its really nice to just celebrate life whole-heartedly sometimes...there is nothing to fear!
the chance that our story could bring a spark of hope to someone else on a similarly difficult journey compels me to share all the ways the Lord carried us and brought us His joy and peace...
hope-full thoughts...
*NOTHING is a surprise to God
*NOTHING can change His Goodness, nothing can lessen it, dampen it, squelch it...He will not be deterred from extravagantly and shamelessly loving YOU
*He is so much bigger than your worst nightmare, more powerful, more enduring, more than sufficient...
*Cancer is such a scary word for Him it is as concerning as strep throat...He knows it intimately, knows how to treat it, is not even slightly intimidated by it...
*The joy of the Lord is our strength!
*the story of Jehoshaphat in II Chronicles 20...the Lord fights our battles for us, when all seems lost and we have no ability to defend ourselves, it is all completely worked out by His hands, His plan, His time, His ability in a disaster to shower us with blessings!
Isaiah 26. 3-4,12
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal.
Lord, You establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.
Come Alive by Warren Barfield
What on earth am I missing
What is it that I don't see
Is there someone somewhere out there
Crying out
Am I truly not noticing
Or just refusing to believe
Do I choose to feed my faithless self
With doubt
All of heaven is falling all around me
And I am drowning in the mystery of Your love
All the universe can't contain Your beauty
But You come alive in me
You come alive
I'm not flying on angel wings
I'm not swinging from no tree
I got love and hate and the will to change
And choose
I have a smile that You gave me
You have a love that I need
When I'm down, You know just how
To lift my mood
You bring me to life
Yeah it feels just like
I've been born again
For the first time, for the first time...
Hiding Place by Sara Groves
Early when the day is new
Before the stirring
I will come and talk to You
And confess the ways I am broken
To recall the words You've spoken
And to try to comprehend
The love You have for me
You are my hiding place
You fill my broken heart with songs
Songs of deliverance
You sing of how the weak are strong
You never meant for me to walk alone
You are always for me
As the truest lover of my soul
You hear my desperate calling
You have kept my feet from falling
And have set me on this rock on which I'm standing now